Add a Payment Service to Enable Online Invoice Payments
When you send your customer an invoice from Xero, they can easily access it online and pay instantly by clicking on the ‘Pay Now’ button.
To set this up, you need to add a payment service to your online invoices in Xero.
Go to ‘Settings’, ‘General Settings’ then ‘Invoice Settings’ and click on ‘Payment Services’. From the ‘Add a Payment Service’ drop-down menu, select from a growing list of payment services supported by Xero. Then fill out the required details – which you will already have if you have an account with that provider.
Next, click on ‘Edit’ and select the invoice themes you want the payment service to apply to. Now when you send an invoice from Xero using that theme your customer can click into the link they receive in the email, access the invoice online and click ‘Pay Now.
Want to get paid faster? Check out the video and hear how to add a payment service to your invoices in Xero.