ATO’s focus on work-related expenses

This year, the ATO is paying close attention to what people are claiming as ‘other’ work-related expense deductions

Important when taxpayers claim these expenses that they have records to show:

  • they spent the money themselves and were not reimbursed;
  • the expense was directly related to earning their income; and
  • they have a record to prove it.

If the expense is for work and private use, the taxpayer can only claim a deduction for the work-related portion.

Importantly, taxpayers are not automatically entitled to claim standard deductions, but need to be able to show how they worked out their claims.

‘Other’ work-related expenses are expenses incurred by employees in relation to their work that are not for travel, clothing or self-education, such as home office expenses.

Call Omnis Group in Perth on 08 9380 3555 to confirm how other work-related expense deductions pan out for you this financial year.